Catharsis Application Program
Psycho Emotional Therapy
This questionnaire is based on the work of Dr Jacqueline Verdeau-Paillès who investigated the influence of our sound world in relationship to our emotional life.
Patients are asked to answer questions about their musical tastes, musical memories, and the importance of their sound environment. During the consultation they are instructed to listen to 10 musical excerpts.
This information helps to understand the patient's sensitivity to music and sounds, while providing a better understanding of their reaction to certain music to the therapist. The information gathered in this session is an account of a patient's personal story and is treated confidentially.
The test was designed by Dr. Jacqueline Verdeau-Pailles, head of the University of Bordeaux Clinic & Doctor in Chief of the Mental Health Sector of Carcassone, music therapist, lecturer at the University of Paris 5 René Descartes, Vice President of the French Association for Music Therapy.
Her book "Le bilan psycho-musical et la personnalité" (The psycho-musical assessment and the personality) - Ed Fuzeau, was inspired by the work of Dr. Rolando Benenzon. Dr. Benenzon is considered one of the internationally acclaimed pioneers in the field of music therapy. He developed a theory of the personality based on the principle of the sound identity. Unfortunately there is no English translation of Dr. Verdeau-Pailles book at this time.
This particular test explores one's receptiveness to music which brings invaluable information about an individual's reaction to his/her sound world.
You will analyze the data gathered through this program with respect to the rule of confidentiality. You will share your observation with your patients and from that you'll elaborate your therapeutic process.
The test can be administered to children starting at 12 years old as well as adolescents and adults.
Dr Jacqueline Verdeau-Paillès taught the unique program of receptivity to music and verbal response to music listening to thousands of students. This test is used by eminent psychologists and psychiatrists throughout Europe. After her death in 2010, she was recognized for her groundbreaking contributions to the field of music therapy when a new, state-of-the-art psychiatric hospital was named in her honor. The ASM Clinique Verdeau Paillès in Carcassone (France), intends to use her distinctive programs of music therapy as an integral part of the therapeutic process with hospital patients.