Catharsis Application Program Psycho Emotional Therapy
Board of Advisors
Dr. Lucien Duclaud
PhD in Neuropsychiatry Admitted by competitive examination to the School of Health Service of the French Navy, and studied medicine at the Faculty of Bordeaux. Thesis in December of 1967. Degree in Tropical Medicine 1967. Doctor of the French Cooperation in Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast as a general practitioner. Specialization in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Dissertation on "fanafody." (a Madagascar magic ritual) Certificate in Clinical Electroencephalography from the Faculty of Medicine of Lyon. Director of psychiatric services in Madagascar (Girard and Robic Hospital of Antananarivo), and later, Cameroon (Garoua Hospital). Resigned from the Armed Forces Health Services in 1982 and moved to Liberal to serve as a psychiatrist and Director at the clinic Relaxazur in Cassis (1982-2006). Named national expert in Neuropsychiatry by the French Minister of Health. Psychiatrist and Chair of the medical clinic Médiazur Bouilladisse Alpes Maritime from 2006 to present. Medical expert of the High Authority of Health from 2004 to 2008.
Dr. Christian Simonin
PhD in Neuropsychiatry Dr. Christian Simonin is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist working both in private practice and a rehabilitation Center. In his book, The Intelligence of the Living (Testez Editions, 2009) co-written with Dr. Alain Horvilleur, several pages devoted to the Catharsis Technique enrich the chapter on the intelligence of the body.
Pr. Marc Bonnefoy
PhD, Head of Geriatric Department. Hospital Center Lyon Sud France Pr Bonnefoy is teaching at University of Medicine Lyon Sud.
Dr. Herve Perron
PhD, HDR, Chief Scientific Officer, Geneuro SA PhD in Immunovirology (1991) at the Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble-France and HDR (Professoral Thesis; 2001) in Neuroimmunology at the Faculty of Medicine, Grenoble-France. Presently Thesis Director at the "Doctoral School" of University Claude Bernard Lyon-1. He is general manager of the newly created French subsidiary company, Geneuro-Innovation, and remains Chief Scientific Officer for the Geneuro Biotech Group. He thus bridges "Research and Development" in Geneuro-Innovation with Pharmaceutical development for Clinical applications in Geneuro SA.
Dr. Sergyl Lafond
PhD, Chief Scientific Monitoring Research & investing information, Lyon France Dr Sergyl Lafont was also the President of ARTEB (Association for the development of Biomedical Technologies) 2003 to 2007. Currently he is the pay-master of ARDI (Regional Agency of Development and Innovation in Rhônes-Alpes- France).
Dr. Jacqueline Verdeau-Paillès
Neuro-Psychiatrist University of Bordeaux, Ex-In-House Doctor and Ex-Clinic Director  Dr. Jacqueline Verdeau-Pailles – A tribute to an exceptional woman She left us on May 20, 2010, a few days after a massive stroke. She immediately understood that the severity of her condition was irreversible. Two days prior she had given, as usual, a master lecture on the two subjects that were her passion in life: music and psychiatry. A few months earlier, she demonstrated her dedication and sense of humor at a lecture entitled: "Giacomo Puccini: Madame Butterfly, it's me" when as a presenter she did not hesitate to put on Japanese kimono! A month before her passing, she asked Alain and Chantal to give her their feedback on her latest book "The Catharsis in the Opera". Her unpretentious and straightforward manner was demonstrated when she announced to them that "I do not want compliments but I do wish for your honest opinion." Dr Verdeau-Pailles became a pioneer in her field by exploring the clinical and therapeutic dimensions of music therapy. She traveled the world for many years presenting lectures, attending seminars and exploring new cultures. Her generous and enthusiastic personality was admired by both colleagues and patients alike. Her sudden absence is felt by all who knew her. Dr. Verdeau-Pailles was 86 years old.
A program which weaves art & music into a unique and unprecedented therapeutic intervention. A very structured methodology for accurately assessing the nature of a problem and for monitoring treatment progress. A groundbreaking artistic mediation which addresses deep emotional core issues unobtrusively and can overcome clients resistance to change.
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Chantal Desmoulins c/o Zaradich, 333 W. Broadway # 653 ANAHEIM, CA 92815 When therapists choose to use the CAP methodology that combines drawing under musical induction, writing and verbalization, they provide their clients with a very efficient tool to become active participants in their own treatment and thus facilitate self-discovery, change, and restoration.
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